Maps on demand
If you need a map with selected themes or special designs,
Asiaq can help. We compile the maps and geodata that cover specific needs, such as maps for logistics, tourism, events, culture, publications or marketing.
- Mapping of new areas using data from GPS, drone, aerial photos and satellite.
- Topographic maps of non-urban areas.
- Technical maps of cities and towns, including building numbers and elevation data.
- Orthophotos of urban areas.
- Sewer maps of urban areas.
- House number maps for Nuuk, Sisimiut and Ilulissat.
- Historical maps (city plans) of urban areas.
- Georeferenced pdf files, for tablets and smartphones with built-in GPS, for navigation in urban areas.
- Official drinking water maps.

Digital: Pdf, dgn, dwg, tab, shape and as an (ESRI) geodatabase.
On paper as print and plot.